There at the beginning…Here till the cure

Chicago House was founded by visionary leaders who created safe spaces for people living with HIV/AIDS. Their unwavering commitment laid the foundation for the organization’s ongoing success, enabling us to reduce new transmissions and provide critical support to those impacted by the virus.

  • 1924

    The first American gay rights organization, The Society for Human Rights, is created by Chicago resident Henry Gerber. The state of Illinois officially recognizes the group on Dec. 10th.

    Henry Gerber Landmark Plaque

  • 1969

    Robert Rayford, at 16 years old, passes away on May 15th at a St. Louis hospital after being admitted with cancerous lesions now known as Kaposi’s sarcoma. Decades later, HIV is found in Rayford’s blood, confirming his to be the first documented death from AIDS-related illness in the U.S.

  • 1970

    One of the first U.S. pride parades is held in Chicago on June 27th, a day before the anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York a year earlier.

    First Chicago Pride
  • 1981

    In June, the first recorded cases of AIDS are reported amongst a group of gay men living in California to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In July, the first case in Illinois is reported.

  • 1985

    On September 9th, community activists establish Chicago House to support gay and bisexual men diagnosed with AIDS.

  • 1987

    Chicago House secures its second residence in West Town that becomes a 24-hour care facility. As lives are extended, this space houses the Supportive Living Program, which connects residents to resources that rebuild their health and well-being.

  • 1990

    Ryan White, at 18 years old, passes away on April 8th in Indianapolis due to complications from AIDS. His death brought greater awareness to the epidemic, especially regarding its impact on children and young people, leading to the Ryan White CARE Act, which provides crucial support for those affected by HIV.

  • 1991

    Congress enacts the Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) Act. Administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), HOPWA helps Chicago House grow significantly over the decades.

    AIDS Memorial Quilt

  • 1993

    In December, the CDC adds three new conditions—pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia, and invasive cervical cancer—to the list of clinical indicators of AIDS. This means that more cis women and injection drug users will be diagnosed with AIDS.

  • 1994

    Chicago House receives $500k from HUD to begin construction on a nine-unit building in Uptown for families impacted by HIV and homelessness. This building is later expanded to support 15 families, mainly cis-female headed households with children.

    FSP Ground Breaking

  • 1999

    Advances in HIV treatment significantly reduce the number of deaths each year. After caring for individuals in the end stages of HIV/AIDS since its inception, Chicago House shifts hospice care to case management in support long-term services for individuals living with HIV.

  • 2000

    On April 30th, President Clinton declares that HIV/AIDS is a threat to national security, issuing more domestic and international efforts to reduce new transmissions.

  • 2001

    Chicago House launches the Bridges Initiative for youth residing at Uptown building.

  • 2002

    Thanks to a $2.5 million multi-year grant from the CDC, Chicago House equips individuals living with HIV to lead prevention education. The focus on harm reduction practices soon reaches HIV-negative individuals, giving shape to the HOPE team.

  • 2003

    The CDC estimates that most new HIV cases each year occur among individuals who are unaware of their HIV status, highlighting the critical need for earlier diagnosis and better HIV testing access.

  • 2004

    On March 26th, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approve the use of oral fluid samples in rapid HIV testing. This breakthrough allows individuals to receive results in approximately 20 minutes, offering a faster, more accessible way to get tested and ultimately helping to expand prevention efforts.

  • 2005

    With the support of US Senator Dick Durbin, Chicago House launches an Employment Program to address the need and desire among individuals living with HIV to return to the workforce.

  • 2006

    Thanks to a $1.2 million grant from HOPWA, Chicago House launches Scattered-Site Housing, which empowers individuals and families to maintain stable, affordable housing, often in their preferred community, while connecting them to case management. At first only 18 units, the program has grown to over 300 units across Chicago.

  • 2008

    September 18th is first observed as National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day.

  • 2010

    On July 13th, the Obama Administration releases the first National HIV/AIDS Strategy, aiming to reduce new HIV infections and improve care.

  • 2012

    The FDA approves the first at-home HIV test, allowing users to learn their HIV status instantly. Additionally, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is made available for adults at risk of HIV, reducing their chances of infection through sexual activity.

  • 2013

    Recognizing the barriers and discrimination transgender individuals experience, Chicago House establishes the TransLife Center (now TransLife Care) to address the unique needs of this community.

  • 2015

    The CDC reports that over 90% of new HIV infections nationwide could be prevented through early diagnosis and timely, consistent care. Fortunately, Chicago House is already integrated into neighborhoods, health systems, and sister organizations, ensuring people living with HIV receive the support they need.

  • 2016

    Chicago House establishes Pharmacy Services to ensure that participants who opt-in have access to, and can adhere to, all necessary HIV medications, including PrEP. This empowers individuals to make decisions regarding their medical care while reducing barriers to prescription access.

  • 2017

    With funding from Gilead Sciences, Chicago House pilots the Community Health Apprenticeship Program (CHAP), which centers LGBTQ+ black and Latinx young adults (ages 18-34) who are interested in health equity. Over 100 alumni have pursued careers in community health and HIV/STI prevention.

    CHAP Graduates

  • 2018

    Chicago House earns accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, demonstrating its commitment to providing high-quality services and meeting the needs of individuals living with HIV.

  • 2019

    The collaborative Getting to Zero Illinois plan is launched, the state’s first multi-faceted strategy focused on ending the HIV epidemic, especially among those at high risk. Chicago House adapts its priorities and goals in alignment.

  • 2020

    Chicago House relocates its central hub to the South Loop, while HOPE and Scattered-Site Housing teams relocate to St. Bernard’s Hospital in Englewood to be closer to individuals impacted most by HIV.

    South Loop Hub

  • 2021

    In partnership with Cook County Department of Corrections, TLC staff provide post-release care options for transgender inmates through on-site weekly sessions, in addition to sexual health education. This supports HIV viral suppression and reduces recidivism.

  • 2022

    Already serving a significant number of older adults living with HIV, Chicago House works with Health Management Associates and Rush Center for Excellence in Aging to develop an Aging in Place strategy. This will support older residents' independence while avoiding premature admission to nursing facilities.

  • 2024

    After 4 years of reconstruction, Englewood Family Homes opens to provide a critical lifeline to more families living with HIV through safe, stable housing. Also, commercial space on the first floor connects the Englewood community to wraparound support.

    Englewood Ribbon Cutting

  • 2025

    Chicago House preserves 66 units of HIV-specific housing for individuals and families in North Lawndale, further cementing the organization as a best-in-industry model.

We Remember

In memory of those who passed through Chicago House’s 24-hour care program

Mateo Aguirre
Patricia Akeredolu
Pedro Alicea
Kennth Allen
Richard Allen
Tim Allen
Paula Amaro
Ben Anderson
Johnnie Anderson
Tiburcio Aquino
Terry Arferbum-Wolf
Michael Arko
Dan Armendarez
Arthur Astrene
James Avery
Kenn Baen
George Bailey
Donald Baker
George Baker
Phillip Balducci
Robert Ballard
Early Battice
Robert Baum
Lawrence Beatty
David Beck
Jeff Bedsole
Howard Berkowitz
Sal Bernadine
David Biesenieks
Jesse Blackwell
Dorian Blakely
Gary Boening
Marianne Boivin
Don Bokholdt
Michael Bonafacchi
Charles Borin
Darnell Bowles
Fred Branch
Theodore Bravos
Josh Brennan
Joyce Brown
Leon Brown
Mitchell Brown
Ralph Brown
Toney Brunelle
Johnny Buckner
Bruce Buente
James Bushness
David Buxton
Darren Caffey
Robert Caldwell
Lynette Calon
John Campbell
Wyzell Carless
James Carter
Michael Carter
Ricardo Castleman
Goldburn Castro
Barry Cecconi
Jeffrey Chapman
Carl Chavez
Louis Chez
Albert Chow
Charles Christensen
Greg Christian
William Chunn
Donald Clark
Berhard Clark
Linda Claybrooks
Mike Cleveland
James Clifford
Wilson Cohen
Steve Colbert
John Coleman
Edwin Collazo
Roger Collins
Elizabeth Collon
Octavio Colon
Lynetta Colone
Charles Conley
Ronald Corsini
Rolando Cortez
Beatrice Crawford
Danny Crawford
Boris Cremeens
Anthony Crowder
Joseph Crudele
Enrique Cruz
Brian Cullinan
Richard Cullison
Doris Daniels
Leonard Darby
Nathaniel Davis
Donald Davis-Bay
Donald Day
Tony DeVolder
Brenda Dobbs
Mark Donner
David Dosche
Tom Douthett
Bill Doyle
Robert Drinkwater
Michael Dutko
Mikel Dutko
Reginald Early

John Edgehill
Monica Eichstaedt
Peter Ekiel
Henri Ellis
Pam English
Melchor Enriquez
Guy Evans
Leonard Evans
Juan Falero
Jeffrey Fasse
Frederick Fields
Jack Findlay
Myles Fisher
Duane Flowers
Antonio Font
Anthony Ford
Ralph Forest
Neil Forster
Dan Freeman
Jeri Freeman
Gary Fricano
Michael Gaal
Sidney Gagliardo
Angelo Galicio
Angel Galindo
Jonathan Geerts
Michael Gibbons
Michael Gibson
Daryl Gillespie
Eugene Glass
Bill Gonzalez
Denise Gonzalez
Jorge Gonzales
Richard Gottschalk
Ida Greathouse
Shirley Greer
Berry Griffin
Jose Guerra
Francisco Guevara
Timothy Hagerty
Brian Hamilton
Willie Harden
Marjorie Harris
Brian Harvel
Steven Hawkins
Joe Heflin
Evelyn Hein
Mark Hein
Willard Helgoe
Robert Hemphill
Joe Henderson
Richard Henke
Kelly Henry
Larry Henry
Herman Hermodsson
Phyllis Hicks
John Hightower
Keith Holden
Charlie Holeman
Leslie Holmes
Ralph Hosmer
Bruce Hough
Larry House
Brachel Howard
Dorian Howard
Kenneth Howard
Michelle Howard
Monroe Hubbert
Bonita Hughes
Brian Joseph Hughes
Robert Hughes
Steven Humphrey
Jacqueline Humprey
Kevin Hunt
Terrence Hunter
Anthony Ivory
Darryl Jackson
Lucius Jackson
Sandra James
Jean-Claude Jean-Louis
Edward Jefferson
Stephen Jeffries
Frank Jodrey
Chris Johnson
Phillip Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
Darryl Jones
Stanton Karlin
Paul Keglovitz
Jack Kejne
Robert Kell
Anthony Kerney
Ralph Key
Anthony King
Edward Knapp
Sheldon Kortenhof
Dennis Koziol
Rick Kukulski
John Kyne
Misael Laboy
Josias Lagunas
Burt Lake
Kevin Lambright
Donald Landi
Daniel Langois
Ted Lapone

Jim Laudermilk
Candido Laureano
Aretha Lawrence
Everett Lawrence
George Lee
Armando Lisboa
Ed Little
Leola Littleton
Sharlene Lofton
Leonel Lopez
Reinaldo Lopez
Arthur Love
Earl Lumpkin
Joseph Lutz
Edward Lynch
Ezekiel Lynch
Greg Lynch
William Lynch
Ed Machek
Leo Magana
Joseph Maguire
Cornel Malloy
Jose Martinez
Santiago Martinez
Dwayne Maxwell
Maurice Maxwell
Anthony Mays
Yvonne McCalla
Catherine McCann
Quintus McCarthy
Kent McCay
Thomas McElroy
John McGarry
Edward McGee
Terrence McHugh
John McIlravy
Joseph McKota
Douglas McPeek
Steve Mendelson
Philip Mendoza
Michael Mertz
Stephen Michael
Griff Miller
Rodney Mills
Innocent Mirtel
Walter Mitchell
George Mitsis
Randolfo Molina
Adrian Montano
Colin Morris
Joseph Mukota
Rocky Mulleniz
James Mullins
Michael Munoz
John Munson
Charles Murawski
Tom Musleve
Robert Nabekoegl
Clifford Neal
Jeffrey Negron
Charles Nelson
Jack Nelson
John Niesen
James Norfleet
Greg Noriega
Bonnie Novinger
Brendan Nugent
Angelina Nunez
Stanley Nye
Frank O’Brien
Richard O’Dell
James O’Neil
Bruce Oppenheimer
Lois O’Sullivan
Daniel Page
Duane Plamer
Effie Palmer
Jamie Parlor
Eddie Parsons
Darrian Patrick
Richard Peplow
Jesus Perez
Jose Perez
Johnny Perry
Mark Petterson
Michael Petty
Henry Phillips
Emory Pinter
Frank PIzzoferrato
Michael Pogue
Linda Poindexter
Marshall Polard
Mark Polston
Freeman Porter
Blaine Powell
William Priko
Michael Quast
Melody Quick
Robert Quinn
Angel Quintana
Edwina Ramirez
Sergio Ramirez
Edward Rangel
Tony Rassega
Clarence Resse

Thomas Resse
Michael Rich
Anibal Rios
Wanda Rivera
Aaron Roberson
Edward Robinson
David Rodriguez
John Rooney
Renaldo Rosado
Milton Rosario
James Ross
Tony Ruiz
Frank Russo
Ronald Samonte
Terry Sanders
James Sava
Marlene Sawyer
Ronald Schoenhofen
Patrick Schumacher
Louis Sekulski
Andrew Seward
James Shackleford
Fred Skau
James Skipper
Larry Sloan
Irma Smith
Jerome Smith
Kenneth Smith
Otha Smith
Teon Smith
Mary Somervile
Eric Soto
Douglas Southcomb
John Spalan
Lewis Spence
Jeanne Stairwalt
Michael Stanford
Gregg Staskon
Frank Stenzel
Connie Stone
Daniel Street
Marion Street
Wesley Strode
Dennis Sullivan
Ed Superson
James Sutherland
Walter Swatek
David Szezeck
David Tabor
James Taylor
Michael Taylor
Norton Taylor
Warren Taylor
Eduardo Teijeiro
James Terris
Darrell Thomas
Jerry Thomas
Scott Thompson
Stephan Thompson
James Ties
Eugene Topez
Eleno Torres
Neftalie Torres
Shane Trevorrow
Donald Tripp
Jose Valle
Rich Vanderhoof
Jose Vasquez
Daniel Velez
Leonardo Verduzco
Adrian Villarreal
Alan Wade
Gary Wagner
Michael Waldon
Walter Warden
Paul Waters
Mark Watson
Ken Watten
Barney Weatherspoon
Charles Webster
Paul Wells
Paul Wessman
Richard West
Bill Westad
John White
Steven White
Joseph Wick
William Wieringa
Jorge Wileman
Sherman Wilkins
Daniel Willets
Harbin Williams
Roland Williams
Sherry Willis
Thomas Wilson
Merrill Witherspoon
Richard Witsiepe
Brooke Wolfram
Byron Wright
Paul Yee-Carlson
Kevin Young
Theodore Zak
Jerrold Zarit