Josie Lynne Paul - headshot.png

Josie lynne paul (she/her/hers)

Chief Administrative Officer

At Chicago House, Josie Paul transformed the TransLife Care Program that serves Chicago-area transgender and gender nonconforming communities. She relaunched the struggling program to become one that regularly receives national recognition.

During the past 18 months, Paul expanded the program model to include three sites by the end of the year. The program supports more than 500 clients. In her work for HIV prevention, Paul designed a program that resulted in a Chicago Department of Public Health funding award.

She challenges existing chronic disease and STI outreach and screening models in search of innovative strategies for reaching the hardest-to-reach communities vulnerable to HIV. When the pandemic hit, she advocated for her staff to get the resources needed to work remotely.

Paul holds a MSW and AB from the University of Chicago.